After a couple of years of little or insignificant
monsoon, Sivagangai and Tamil Nadu alike received a good dose of retreating
monsoon rain. There is greenery everywhere. With the rains come the weeds that
often become difficult to control.
All the village tanks, some of them as big as 20-30
acres are filled to the top. Farmers in the neighbouring villages are hoping
for a bumper yield after a drought like condition for over 3 years.
While we were delighted that plants were healthy and
green, excessive weeds around them was becoming a deterrent to enter the plots.
Once the rains decreased in mid Novemember, a round of rotavator was done to
incorporate the weeds into the soil.
Weeds after monsoon rains |
After a round of rotavator |
After manual deweeding |
Water harvesting structure |
Mango plot |
CO4 plot |