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Sunday, December 25, 2011

Watermelon: Short term crop # 2

We have accomplished sowing our second short term crop for this year. Rains receded by second week December, which allowed us to sow by third week.
Watermelon can be sowed anytime between November and January but care should be taken that there is no water stagnation at the time of planting.

This time we were a little more ambitious and sowed 2 acres. Spacing is 2 ft by 5 ft and only 1 seed was placed in a pit (compared to traditional method of sowing 2-3 seeds per pit)

Basal dose included 1 bag of DAP and Potash each (50 Kg) per acre in addition to 1 mug of FYM and coir pith compost each per pit.

16 packets(50g each) Seminis seeds (hybrid) were used for 2 acres.

A total of 4 male and 6 female labourers were needed to sow 2 acres in one day.

Come late February, we should have an update for all of you on some nice juicy, red watermelons!

1 comment:

  1. HI Sir...

    Please update on the results of your efforts please !!!

